
DRU COLBERT: Professor of arts and design, 2003-2024

When Dan asked me to send something for this issue of COA Magazine… a token of me to signify my impending retirement, I froze. I couldn’t, or rather wouldn’t, give it any thought. It would mean that I had to admit once more that I was leaving the day-to-day meanderings and musings of this community that has been family since 1999. I will truly miss being a full part of this caring culture that has taught me so much over the years about being human. COA has heart and I will miss that soft beat. 

This past winter term, Jodi Baker and I worked with students to reinvent the original ice opera “Graupel” that I made for the island community “way back” in 2007. Doing an immersive collaborative project class like this with loads of room for invention, making, and sharing, is what I find to be the best kind of COA experience, and it has geared me up for years of more hard work in the studio.  


In memoriam: Sandra Holmes Modeen


Alumnx notes