In memoriam: Sandra Holmes Modeen


By Thorndike Library Co-Director Trisha Cantwell Keene

Sandra Modeen started working at COA Thorndike Library in 1980, supporting the college through the devastating Kaelber Hall fire of 1983, rebuilding the library's physical space and collections, and helping to move the library twice. She cared deeply about our students, and was always engaged and supportive with her wisdom. 

I arrived in 1990 as the night and weekend reference librarian; Sandra was the library's cataloger. Marcia Dworak, then library director, always appreciated Sandra's careful attention to detail and her enormous pride in her work. One library work-study alum remembers Sandra's mischievous smile and the twinkle in her eye. Sandra and Marcia had too much fun planning April Fools' Day jokes!

Alexa Pezzano '00 remembers Sandra's generosity in reaching out to those students she thought were in need. Sandra also knew children. I often remember being at my wit's end with a situation with my daughter, and Sandra always having wise, soothing, sound advice. A steadfast presence, Sandra shared her wisdom about getting on in the world and with everyone around her. 

I worked with Sandra until her retirement in 1999. When I saw Sandra around Bar Harbor after that, she always greeted me with her warm smile and questions about my family, friends, COA staff, and students. Sandra always spoke lovingly of her family, near and far, related and extended. 

I attended Sandra's service in Otter Creek this past August and saw how deeply her family, friends, and Otter Creek neighbors loved her in return. Rest well, my friend. You are missed.  


In memoriam: Charles E. Farley Sr.

